Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Course overview:
This course examines mass communications in the United States and includes topics such as the organization, role, content, and effects of newspapers, magazines, television, radio, books, and films. 

Week #1: Introduction to the Course and Understanding the Mass Media/the Importance of Media Literacy

Week #2: The Business of Media

Week #3: Self and Governmental Controls of Media

Week #4: Understanding Research on Media Effects and Media Culture

Week #5: Blurred Media Boundaries

Week #6: Strategies of the Media Giants

Week #7: The Book Industry

Week #8: The Newspaper Industry

Week #9: The Magazine Industry

Week #10: The Music Industry

Week #11: The Radio Industry

Week #12: The Movie Industry

Week #13: The Television Industry

Week #14: The Internet and Video Game Industries

Week #15: The Advertising and Public Relations Industries